Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tree Nurseries Established in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves

Above, those are the tree nurseries established in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves. Seen in the picture are natively called Mkongo among tree species planted in tree nurseries both in Maguruwe and Nyeburu waiting to be transplanted in the forests during the rain seasons. The 1st Picture shows the tree nurseries in Nyeburu, 2nd Picture portrays gardeners in front of tree nurseries in Nyeburu and the 3rd and 4th Pictures are the clearly seen Mkongo seedlings, in Maguruwe. This is one of the good work done by WCST in HIMADA Project.

Methodologies Adopted by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during Carbon Assessment and MRV Related Activities in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forests

Some of methodologies adopted by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) FORCONSULT during Carbon assessment and MRV related activities in Piloting REDD project in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves.
  • Integrating communities to participate in establishment of permanent plot for carbon monitoring and marking the trees measured for future re-measurements to determine additionality and carbon sequestration measurement. See the 1st and 2nd picture above.
    The participation of local people in the field assessment is expected to have built some knowledge on carbon assessment among the local people. Further the awareness on the value of the forests in relation to climate change and benefits beyond timber and charcoal are starting to build up among local communities
  • Establishment of permanent plot for carbon monitoring (Marked and GPS) The plot size 0.08 ha (20m x 40m) sub divided into 8 subplots measuring 10m x 10m. See the 3rd and 4th pictures above.