Monday, November 7, 2011

Piloting REDD project in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves: The Strongest Initiative Needs a Great Support

Worldwide, deforestation accounts for 18-20 % of carbon emissions. Forests are the largest terrestrial source of carbon emissions after coal and oil. At the same time forests play an important role in climate mitigation as reservoirs of carbon and can help societies to adapt through maintenance of essential ecological services. According to the Tanzania REDD Imitative News letter (Aug 2009), Tropical forests are estimated to remove about 4.8 billion tones of CO2 of which 1.2 billion tones are from African forests

Piloting REDD project in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves focused on improving forest condition with corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions in the Reserves and increased carbon stock. Its main goal is to ensure Pugu Kazimzumbwi Forest Ecosystem is properly managed, supports surrounding community livelihood and provides ecosystem services. The project is funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy of Tanzania and is implemented under partnership of WCST, FBD, EMNet, LEAT, SUA and UDBS whereby WCST is the host organization with main authority to coordinate the project and all partners.

The project started effectively in May 2011 to implement its activities which includes transplanting of tree seedlings round forests boundaries, establishment of tree nurseries that will be used in forest restoration, as well as research studies on information and knowledge management; income generating activities and regulations to communities adjacent to the PKFRs.

However, the project faces some challenges from the few individuals with anger of being evicted out from the forest area and others who needs to benefit individually from the forest through cutting trees in the forests. These came after some of forest securities offices built in the forest by the project being destroyed; its doors and windows were uprooted and stolen.

Thoroughly looking on the project aim, it is a strongest initiative towards conservation of PKFRs. Not only to the communities adjacent to PKFRs who will be benefited, but also to Dar es Salaam region that expands everyday and covered with Co2 in a great quantity due to its industries and human activities congestions. If the project will produce its output efficiently that will conserve PKFRs, it will benefit the communities with carbon credits earnings that will be used in development activities of the respective area. Likewise to Dar es Salaam which will be supplied with clean Oxygen in exchange of Co2.

In doing that, the conservation of PKFRs is not only by this project, and not only to the government (FBD) or to communities adjacent the forests. But it needs collective efforts from various institutions and individuals who are friends and supporters of the PKFRs, together in a joint effort can combat different forests shortcomings like fire and deforestation problems towards conservation of the forests. Please just be the one; just be a good friend and good supporter to PKFRs to improve the ecosystem and community livelihood.

Author: Hagulwa Msusu
Mobile:            +255 715 477587