Friday, February 3, 2012

Sensitization Meeting on HIMADA Project at Pugu Ward, Ilala District

1st picture above shows one of the sensitizing meetings on HIMADA project with the communities adjacent to Pugu and kazimzumbwi forest reserves and the 2nd one down, shows flip chats that portrays subjects delivered during the meeting  which was held at Pugu ward that compile 6 mitaa of Kichangani, Bombani, Kinyamwezi, Kigogo fresh, Stesheni and Banguro.  The meeting was facilitated by EMNet in HIMADA Project and funded by The Royal Norwegian Embassy of Tanzania.

Environmental Journalist's Training on REDD and its Related Concepts

Trainer from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) give explanations on REDD concepts on the 1st picture and the 2nd one, are trainees (environmental journalists) from various media institutions take notes during the environmental journalist's training on REDD and its related concepts which held at Grand Villa hotel in Dar es Salaam. The training was facilitated by EMNet in Piloting REDD project in Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves (HIMADA Project) which funded by The Royal Norwegian Embassy of Tanzania.